Agnew Clan

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Scottish Clan Agnew: Embracing a Storied Legacy

Clan Agnew Information:

CrestThe Clan Agnew crest is an intricate design featuring a heraldic shield adorned with symbols such as An eagle issuant and reguardant Proper.
MottoThe motto of Clan Agnew is “Consilio Non Impetu,” signifying the clan’s commitment to strategic wisdom over impulsive action.
TranslationThe translation of the Clan Agnew motto is “By wisdom, not by rashness,” encapsulating the guiding principles of the clan.
PlantClan Agnew is symbolically associated with the Yew tree, a resilient and enduring plant that reflects the clan’s strength and longevity.
Gaelic NameThe Gaelic name of Clan Agnew is “Clann Aoidh,” emphasizing the clan’s Gaelic heritage and connection to its progenitor, Aoidh.
Origin of NameThe name Agnew has its roots in Old Norse, derived from “Olvir,” meaning “son of the fire” or “fire warrior,” underscoring the clan’s historical prowess.
War CryThe historical war cry of Clan Agnew is “Buaidh no Bàs!” (Victory or Death!), a rallying call echoing through the annals of Scottish history.

List of Clan Chiefs:

  • Clan Agnew has been led by distinguished Chiefs throughout its history. Notable Chiefs include:
    • Sir Andrew Agnew, 9th Baronet of Lochnaw (1785–1849) – A respected leader during a crucial period in Scottish history.
    • Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw, 11th Baronet (Current Chief) – Continues the legacy of leadership and stewardship.

Agnew Clan Societies:

Clan SocietyWebsite URL
Clan Agnew

Clan Agnew Tartans:

Clan Agnew takes pride in its diverse and visually striking tartans. Below are images showcasing three distinctive Clan Agnew tartans:

Agnew Clan Tartan
Agnew Scottish Clan Tartan

The Illustrious History of Clan Agnew

Origin and Name: The esteemed Clan Agnew has graced Wigtowrishire and Galloway since the fourteenth century, with a disputed yet intriguing origin. While some assert Norman roots from the Barony d’Agneaux, others propose a Celtic connection through the Ulster sept of O’Gnimh. Initially known as O’Gnive, the name evolved to O’Gnyw and, eventually, O’Gnew, suggesting a common lineage with renowned clans like MacDonald and MacDougall through Somerled, the twelfth-century King of the Isles.

Establishment in Scotland: The Agnew family’s Scottish fortunes solidified when Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw was granted the lands and constableship of Lochnaw Castle in 1426. He became hereditary Sheriff of Wigtown in 1451, an office upheld by direct descendants to this day. Notably, Sir Patrick Agnew, MP for Wigtownshire, was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1629. The Agnew legacy continued, with alliances formed through intermarriage with prominent local families.

Prominent Figures: Sir Andrew Agnew, the fifth Baronet, was a distinguished soldier commanding troops at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743. He held Blair Castle against forces led by Lord George Murray during the Jacobite Rising in 1746. The abolition of hereditary jurisdictions in 1747 marked a shift for the Agnews, with Sir Andrew receiving compensation for the honorary hereditary sheriff role.

Renewal of Ties: In 1792, Andrew Agnew renewed the family’s ties with Ireland through marriage. The family’s commitment to improvement continued with the seventh Baronet, who rebuilt the Castle of Lochnaw and advocated for Sabbath sanctity. Many Irish Agnews became early emigrants to the Americas, particularly Pennsylvania.

Modern Connections: The castle and lands of Lochnaw have changed hands, but Clan Agnew maintains strong ties with its Scottish homeland. Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw, the eleventh Baronet, has played a vital role. A distinguished advocate and heraldic expert, he has fostered unity among Agnews worldwide. A dedicated clan society and a specially designed tartan further affirm the enduring legacy of Clan Agnew.

FAQ About Scottish Clan Agnew

What is the motto of the Agnew clan?

Who is the head of the Agnew clan?

Is the name Agnew Irish?

Who are the Agnew family?

What nationality is the name Agnew?

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